MRI Contrast agent

In the information below you can read more about the contrast agent, the precautions and possible side effects.

Contrast agent

The MRI Centrum uses the contrast agent Gadovist that contains gadobutrol. Gadovist is a safe and widely used contrast agent in healthcare. The contrast agent is administered under the supervision of the radiologist directly into your vain or with an arthrogram directly into the shoulder or hip joint. Your body automatically absorbs the contrast agent after which it is excreted in the urine. In case of an arthrogram we use a local anaesthetic before we administer the contrast. For your own safety we advise you not to drive afterwards the MRI scan.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that the contrast agent is safe, it is possible that your personal situation makes the administration of contrast not recommended. We request that you report to us prior to the MRI examination, because additional precautions may need to be taken, if:

  • you have allergies,
  • you previously had an allergic reaction to a contrast agent,
  • you have abnormal kidney function,
  • you are (possibly) pregnant. In pregnancy, the contrast agent is not used unless strictly necessary,
  • you are breast-feeding. Your body absorbs the contrast agent, so it also ends up in your breast milk. If applying contrast is nevertheless necessary, we recommend that you do not breast-feed until 24 hours after the MRI scan.

We discuss with the radiologist and your doctor which precautions need to be taken and decide whether a contrast agent will be administered.

Side effects

Occasionally the following side effects may occur:

  • A hematoma (bruise) occurs regularly, this is annoying but harmless.

  • The moment the contrast agent is injected directly into the joint, the joint may feel a bit stiff. This will disappear. If the joint becomes red and hot afterwards, you should contact the MRI Centrum. After closing time, contact your doctor.
  • Contrast agents can sometimes cause a hypersensitivity reaction. This usually concerns a mild reaction (headache, nausea or dizziness) that occurs within a few hours after the examination.
  • In very rare cases (one in a million) a serious allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) occurs. Such a reaction occurs within a very short time after the administration of the injection. You will be closely monitored during the MRI scan and immediate action will be taken in the event of a reaction. If you notice a swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, coughing and sneezing, difficulty breathing, itching, a runny nose or hives, report this immediately. These can be the first signs of an allergic reaction.
  • Delayed reactions that occur hours or days after administration of the contrast agent have been observed in very rare cases. In this case contact the MRI Centrum or your doctor.


If you feel that you have a reaction to the contrast agent and you do not trust it, contact the MRI Centrum or your doctor. Tell them that you have been injected with the MRI contrast agent Gadovist. Also always inform the MRI Centrum that you have had an allergic reaction so that a note can be made about this in your file. Report that you have an allergic reaction to every subsequent examination where contrast agent is injected.